Easy Ukulele Songs With Am F G C

It still amazes me that the title of this mail holds true. You tin can play hundreds (if not thousands) of songs using just 4 chords on your ukulele. Read on to find out which chords, why it works and run into a list of songs…

  • 1 The Chords (they're all easy)
  • 2 Axis Of Awesome
  • 3 The Song List
  • iv Why do so many songs employ the same chords?
  • 5 What'south The Strumming Pattern?
  • six A Different Key
  • 7 Strum Similar A Pro

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The Chords (they're all like shooting fish in a barrel)

I judge the beginning matter you want to know is what those chords are. Well allow me start past saying the relationship between the chords isI, V, Vi and Iv. If that doesn't mean much to you, don't worry. In the fundamental of C that gives united states C, G, Am and F.

4 Chord Ukulele Songs

Endeavor playing through those chords a few times, almost immediately you'll start to hear songs you lot know as you play. Modify the order and you'll starting time to recognise even more. Try some unlike strumming patterns (become some assist with strumming hither) with those chords and see if yous can hear anything you recognise.

Axis Of Awesome

This is probably best shown with the rather bright iv Chords video by Axis Of Awesome.  If you've not seen it already (where have you been hiding?) have a few minutes to sentinel it at present.

I was pretty diddled away when I commencement watched that video which I think near people were, hence it's massive popularity. Here'due south the list of songs they manage to go through using just 4 chords…

The Song Listing

  1. Journey – "Don't Stop Believing"
  2. James Blunt – "You're Beautiful"
  3. Blackness Eyed Peas – "Where Is the Love"
  4. Alphaville – "Forever Young"
  5. Jason Mraz – "I'grand Yours"
  6. Train – "Hey Soul Sister"
  7. The Calling – "Wherever You Will Go"
  8. Elton John – "Tin You Feel The Love Tonight" (from The Lion King)
  9. Akon – "Don't Matter"
  10. John Denver – "Take Me Home, Land Roads"
  11. Lady Gaga – "Paparazzi"
  12. U2 – "With Or Without You"
  13. The Terminal Goodnight – "Pictures of You"
  14. Maroon Five – "She Volition Be Loved"
  15. The Beatles – "Let It Be"
  16. Bob Marley – "No Adult female No Cry"
  17. Marcy Playground – "Sex and Processed"
  18. Men At Work – "Land Down Under"
  19. Theme from America's Funniest Home Videos
  20. Jack Johnson – "Taylor"
  21. Spice Girls – "Two Get One"
  22. A Ha – "Take On Me"
  23. Green Twenty-four hour period – "When I Come Effectually"
  24. Hawkeye Eye Cherry – "Save Tonight"
  25. Toto – "Africa"
  26. Beyonce – "If I Were A Male child"
  27. Kelly Clarkson – "Behind These Hazel Eyes"
  28. Jason DeRulo – "In My Caput"
  29. The Neat Pumpkins – "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
  30. Joan Osborne – "One Of Us"
  31. Avril Lavigne – "Complicated"
  32. The Offspring – "Self Esteem"
  33. The Offspring – "Y'all're Gonna Go Far Kid"
  34. Akon – "Beautiful"
  35. Timberland featuring OneRepublic – "Repent"
  36. Eminem featuring Rihanna – "Love the Style You Prevarication"
  37. Bon Jovi – "It's My Life"
  38. Lady Gaga – "Pokerface"
  39. Aqua – "Barbie Girl"
  40. Blood-red Hot Chili Peppers – "Otherside"
  41. The Gregory Brothers – "Double Rainbow"
  42. MGMT – "Kids"
  43. Andrea Bocelli – "Time To Say Bye"
  44. Robert Burns – "Auld Lang Syne"
  45. 5 for fighting – "Superman"
  46. The Centrality of Awesome – "Birdplane"
  47. Missy Higgins – "Scar"

Ok that might exist merely 47 and I did say hundreds but Axis Of Crawly had to terminate somewhere otherwise their video would take gone on for hours. The truth is in that location are loads more to get at. Even simply noodling around with those chords for a while you're likely to find a few new ones.

Why do so many songs utilize the same chords?

Technically all of the songs listed above don't use the same chords. They use the same human relationship betwixt chords. Axis of Awesome simply transposed all of the songs so they could play them using the same 4 chords and they're completely recogniseable. It'south the relationship between those chords that's the of import bit.

Ultimately it's pretty elementary, this combination of chords works incredibly well together. There's but something that is pleasing to our ears nearly those chords and that keeps musicians coming back time and fourth dimension again. The thing that amazes me about it though is that songs can audio so dissimilar despite being based on the same formula. It'south a chord combination that crosses genres too equally you'll see from the list of songs higher up.

What'south The Strumming Pattern?

No doubt some of you reading this will want a definitive strumming pattern for this 1. As nigh of the songs that Axis Of Crawly play are backed by a piano there's no verbal strumming design just if y'all really want some help on this, you could lookout this rather bright TED video where Josh Kaufman has a cleft at the 4 chord song on a uke…

I've fix the video to play from the signal that Josh starts playing but the whole video is worth a picket if yous're interested in learning.

For the record, it looks like Josh is play the practiced one-time-fashioned D DU UDU which looks similar this…

4 Chords Strumming Pattern

If you lot need some assist getting to grips with this rhythm – check out my post on the most important strumming pattern y'all'll ever learn.

Every bit I always say though, but apply information technology as a guide. If you're trying to play 47 songs using the aforementioned chords with the same strumming design it'south going to sound a little flake boring sooner or later, so experiment with missing some strums hither and at that place to build your own patterns and information technology volition sound and then much amend for it.

For some more strumming design inspiration take a look at my post – 32 ukulele strumming patterns.

A Different Cardinal

Although Axis of Awesome play the songs using E B C#k and A. Those chords can exist transposed into a completely unlike key every bit long as nosotros retain the human relationship. In the cardinal of K for instance the chords would exist G, D, Em and C. Endeavor it now using those chords instead, tin y'all withal recognise the songs?

Hopefully your song repertoire has just increased considerably!

ukulele-strumsStrum Similar A Pro

If y'all really desire to progress your strumming at a rapid rate and then I'd highly recommend taking a expect at Al Wood'southward downloadable ebook How To Play Ukulele Strums. For just $12 you get an in-depth guide showing you lot how to play 49 different strums with supporting videos and MP3 files. In that location'south likewise a really useful section that focuses on counting strums the piece of cake way (something I wish I had when I was learning to play).

Buy How To Play Ukulele Strums


Source: https://ukulelego.com/articles/play-hundreds-songs-ukulele-just-4-chords/

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