How to Respond to a Positive Job Review

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Functioning reviews at work tin can exist a frightening, nerve-wracking feel, specially if y'all find out during one that your supervisor isn't happy with the work you've been doing. Even worse than the review itself, however, tin can be the days afterwards it — deciding how to react to the things you hear during your review can exist extra stressful if you're worried that you lot're next on the chopping block. Luckily, at that place's a right way and a wrong way to approach whatever functioning review. With the correct strategies, it's possible to recover from the most brutal negative review or even capitalize on a positive one.

  1. 1

    Have a list of items to talk about fix beforehand. No matter whether you lot're given lavish praise or scathing criticism, your supervisor volition want to see that yous're taking the process seriously. One bully way to do this is to have a cursory listing of talking points prepared beforehand (either written down or memorized). No matter how bad things get, a smart boss volition take respect for an employee that puts in the actress attempt necessary to become as much as possible from their review.

    • Two things you'll definitely want to exist ready to talk almost are your biggest accomplishments and your biggest challenges — these topics of conversation can atomic number 82 to valuable communication from your supervisor.[i]
  2. 2

    Exist alert, upbeat, and ready to talk. Almost reviews are a dorsum-and-forth dialog between an employee and a supervisor, rather than a simple one-way lecture. You lot'll probably be expected to open up about your feelings nearly your job, your successes, your struggles, and your working relationships with your other employees. For this reason, it'southward all-time to testify upward alert, well-rested, and prepared to talk all nearly your job. Effort to stay focused on the conversation during your review — your review demands your full attention, so don't let yourself daydream or lose track of the proceedings.

    • For people who naturally become nervous before functioning reviews, information technology probably won't be difficult to muster the energy necessary to give the appearance of being alert and focused. In these cases, yet, you may want to take steps to ensure yous're not likewise jittery — avoid coffee, take deep breaths, and, if yous tin can, get plenty of exercise the twenty-four hours earlier to go on yourself relaxed.


  3. 3

    Be completely open up. A job functioning review is no place to be shy. Treat your review like a adventure to be completely frank about any opinions you have most the task, whether they're positive or negative (without existence rude, of course). This includes opinions about your pay, your working atmospheric condition, your coworkers, and even your managers. You don't go this opportunity very often — ordinarily, employees are expected to be much more guarded. Go along in heed, nevertheless, that the supervisor giving the review has the opportunity to be just as frank about yous.

    • If you're naturally shy or have a difficult time talking nearly your closely-held opinions, it can help to practice talking about these points beforehand with a close friend or a coworker you lot trust exterior of work. You may likewise want to try body language-based confidence-boosting techniques, especially straightening your posture, talking slowly, looking the person you're talking to in the eye.[2] These basic tricks tin assistance you loosen upwards in a wide variety of stressful social situations, including those related to your task.
  4. 4

    Exist fix to discuss your role in the "large picture." Most supervisors dearest when their employees have positive or insightful ideas about how they fit into the company as a whole. All companies desire to be as toll-efficient as possible — they are ever looking for means to keep their costs low and go the greatest possible use out of their existing avails. Thus, showing that the work yous do plays a role in the company'southward connected success tin help paint yourself as a valuable employee even if your job isn't an extremely of import one.

    • This is something you'll definitely want to bring up if you're being heavily criticized during your review — showing that yous understand what yous hateful to the company can tell your supervisor that the poor behavior you're beingness criticized for isn't a upshot of yous non taking your duties seriously.
  5. v

    Be honest about what isn't working for y'all. It tin be tum-churning to talk to a supervisor about issues yous have with your job, specially if those problems accept to do with their management style. However, since a performance review is likely ane of the only times you'll be directly asked about these things, it's an opportunity you won't unremarkably want to pass up. Smart supervisors volition capeesh polite criticism — they, also, take supervisors, and they want to be able to demonstrate that they're doing everything they tin to make their employees every bit happy and productive every bit possible.[3]

    • As hinted at above, a positive operation review is an especially smart place to bring up things that are making your job harder. A supervisor who considers you a competent, valuable employee is much more likely to take your problems seriously than one who considers your work sub-par.
  6. vi

    React to criticism seriously but never angrily. Criticism is a very existent possibility during your performance review. Nearly everyone has some aspect of their work that they can improve on, so attempt not to be offended or scared for your job security if you receive some gentle suggestions for improvement. Admit the criticism and motility on — don't lose your cool, fifty-fifty if you recall your supervisor's criticisms aren't particularly true.[4]

    • Annotation that there is such a thing as criticism that's too harsh or personal for a job operation review. If, for instance, your supervisor insults you, makes inappropriate remarks about you lot, your family unit, or your personal life, or otherwise attacks you for something other than your work, concord your natural language during your review and contact your Homo Resources department subsequently to hash out your supervisor'southward behavior.


Responding to a Critical Review Download Article

  1. 1

    Consider your criticism objectively. It'south like shooting fish in a barrel to feel personally offended by criticism during a job performance review. All the same, unless your supervisor attacked you personally (as described in a higher place), y'all take no reason to be offended. A performance review is meant to be a constructive exercise aimed at improving your work, not one aimed at undermining y'all or making yous feel bad about yourself. The but thing being judged is your work, non yous personally.

    • If you're having a difficult time taking your mind off of the criticism y'all received during a difficult review, try using a technique called "Thought Awareness." As yous experience yourself getting aroused, sad, or discouraged in the face of criticism, have the opportunity to recollect nearly your thoughts. Think about why you experience the way you practise and critically find your ain stream of consciousness.[5] By "getting out of your own head," you lot give yourself a chance to react logically to your criticism, rather than reacting to the style it makes yous experience.
  2. 2

    Ready reasonable goals for comeback. Once you've had a chance to calmly and considerately think most the criticism you've received, give yourself a few goals for improvement. These should be challenging, merely completely within your grasp. Fifty-fifty more importantly, they should be sustainable — the sorts of things yous can accomplish consistently. They shouldn't be the sorts of things you lot can accomplish one time but won't be able to stick to — this can go out you looking even worse than when you started.

    • The best goals are ones with definite, quantifiable goals, not those focused on vague self-improvement. For instance, if you've been criticized for showing up belatedly to work, information technology'south much smarter to say to yourself, "I will go to bed at 11:00 PM and wake up at seven:00 AM every day so that I have plenty of time to go far to work," than it is to say, "I will try much harder to go far to piece of work on fourth dimension."
  3. 3

    Become the help or preparation y'all need to improve. Information technology'due south possible that the criticism you received during your review was a upshot of you simply not having the skills necessary to perform well in your chore. If your supervisor didn't lay out a path for y'all to become this training, contact the Human being Resources Department and ask them for guidance.

    • If your company is interested in grooming you for more responsibility, accept your initial criticism as a subconscious compliment — training is expensive and a sign that your company is invested in your growth with them.
  4. 4

    Look for opportunities to show your improvement. If your supervisor has seriously criticized your work, they'll exist looking for some sort of measurable comeback in the near future. Don't allow your hard work become unnoticed. Make a bespeak to bring upwardly your improvement during your next coming together or one-on-one talk and exist ready to support your claim with evidence.

    • To brand a bang-up impression after being criticised during a review, brand an effort to offset "checking in" with your supervisor to discuss your progress. As presently every bit you've made some sort of accomplishment that demonstrates your progress, bring it up during your "check in" session. For instance, if your boss originally brought upward the fact that your level of output in terms of progress on your projects has been slipping, you lot'll definitely want to mention when you finish your side by side project early on.[half-dozen]
  5. v

    Keep the results of your review to yourself. Usually, performance reviews are the sort of thing you'll want to keep to yourself almost. Like your salary, this blazon of data can atomic number 82 to jealousy and injure feelings if you lot're too open about it. Don't bring up the results of your review in casual conversations. Instead, merely consider discussing your review with your family, your friends outside of work, and select coworkers you have a great amount of trust in.

    • If, for some reason, y'all practice need to discuss your results with others, exist tactful. Don't brag or joke almost your results — you lot'll never know how they'll compare to your fellow coworkers'.
  6. six

    Move forward. Nothing tin can change the past, so don't spend time worrying about it. If you continue to fume and wallow over negative aspects of a performance review long later on it's over, yous won't have the energy or focus to improve your piece of work. Instead, once you have accepted the review (and, if necessary, take sought help or training), let go of the negativity. Look to the futurity, seeking out new ways to practice your chore meliorate than earlier.

    • It tin be difficult, but try to keep a positive mood after a negative review. Being visibly sad or sullen on the job can reverberate poorly on your work, making you expect like an under-performer even if you're taking other steps to better your output. It can likewise call unnecessary attention to yourself, prompting your coworkers to wonder or ask near your sudden change in mood. Since supervisors know that their employees' morale can affect the business's productivity, this tin can get you in even more trouble.


Responding to a Positive Review Download Article

  1. 1

    Take pride in your accomplishment. Congratulations! A positive functioning review is something to be very proud well-nigh — it'due south a sign that your supervisor is happy with your work and that your position is virtually likely secure for the about hereafter. A positive review is almost always something y'all have to work hard to earn, so take the opportunity to experience good about yourself.

    • You may fifty-fifty want to take a pocket-sized celebration with your family and friends afterwards a good review. This is a swell idea, but be careful not to spread the word about your commemoration among your boyfriend employees — this can hurt the feelings of people who didn't get good reviews.
  2. 2

    Look (and heed) for opportunities for continued improvement. Never stop trying to ameliorate your piece of work. Demonstrate your long-term dedication to your job past trying to improve even later on you lot've been told you're doing a good job. Recall that a positive review isn't an invitation to have a interruption — rather, it'southward a sign that your employer loves the work you're doing and wants more.[7]

    • Go on in heed that, at most jobs, at that place are very existent rewards to striving for excellence. For instance, if your supervisor but has i promotion to requite to their employees, they'll probably give it to the person that strove to improve their work, rather than one that was content getting mostly positive reviews.
  3. 3

    Don't neglect any minor criticisms you were given. A positive operation review doesn't necessarily take to be 100% positive. Have notation of any criticisms yous do receive during your review and requite them the same amount of attending yous'd give the criticisms from a negative review. Supervisors love employees who aren't satisfied with "good enough", and then wait for opportunities to go the actress mile and earn a 100% positive review next fourth dimension.

    • In addition, it'south worth remembering that, at your next review, your supervisor will probably bring up these by criticisms. Information technology can be very embarrassing to explain to your supervisor that you haven't taken any action based on these criticisms, so don't put yourself in this position.
  4. 4

    Don't balance on your honour. Don't brand the mistake of slacking off after you lot've been given a practiced review. This signals to your boss that your continued endeavor at your job is dependent on the level of praise you receive, rather than a result of your personal dedication. Over time, an employee who's content to rely on past achievements to justify their existence can make a prime candidate for downsizing, then never stop setting (and meeting) aggressive goals for yourself.


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  • Question

    What shouldn't I say in a performance review?

    Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

    Shannon O'Brien is the Founder and Principal Advisor of Whole U. (a career and life strategy consultancy based in Boston, MA). Through advising, workshops and due east-learning Whole U. empowers people to pursue their life's work and live a counterbalanced, purposeful life. Shannon has been ranked as the #i Career Omnibus and #1 Life Coach in Boston, MA past Yelp reviewers. She has been featured on, Boldfacers, and the UR Business Network. She received a Master's of Engineering science, Innovation, & Education from Harvard University.

    Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM

    Life & Career Double-decker

    Adept Answer

    Avoid getting defensive about whatever negative things brought upwardly during the review. Acknowledge the issue calmly.

  • Question

    How exercise I respond to a work output staff review report?

    Community Answer

    First, wait for and gloat any areas that you are excelling in. Call back almost the projects or work functions that contributed to the success of the goal, and recollect most ways to incorporate the successful behaviors/attributes into more of your day-to-day operations. Secondly, notice any areas of underperformance, and think about what might have been done to improve that area. Summarize your thoughts and and then move forrard.

  • Question

    Why exercise I accept to suffer through a chore functioning review anyway?

    Community Answer

    Frequently almanac reviews are done to make certain you lot are keeping visitor goals and objectives in mind and working towards them. Successful performance reviews aid in promotions and job changes considering they demonstrate you are already proficient in your current areas of responsibility.

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  • Once your review is concluded, begin to prepare for the side by side ane. Use your about recent review as a guide during the upcoming months. Let your boss know in writing what steps you are taking to comply with his/her recommendations. Inquire him/her to permit yous know about issues or complaints when they occur, rather than waiting until your next review.

  • Exist proactive and request positive feedback. If you experience that your boss or reviewer is merely focusing on the negatives, ask for specific feedback on the things y'all are good at.

  • If y'all're given newspaper documentation of your review, never leave information technology where your co-workers might see it. Keep it in your purse or briefcase, not on your desk.

  • While yous're being reviewed, don't forget that y'all always take the option to review your job! Is it everything you expected? Are you happy where you lot are working? If there are needs you have that aren't being met, use a positive performance review equally a bargaining chip in your negotiations.


  • Don't lose your temper. If the things you hear during a review seem cruel, abusive, or actually out of line, go to your Hr department earlier yous respond with your own acrimony.

  • Performance appraisals are supposed to be about specific observable behaviors, not near personal issues. For example, "Jane was belatedly 4 times during January of this yr" is a fair complaint, just "Jane just recently had a baby, which fabricated her late to piece of work several times in January" is not — Jane's decision to have a baby is independent from her functioning at work.


About This Article

Article Summary Ten

The all-time mode to be receptive during a performance review is to nod and acknowledge criticism seriously. Prove that y'all care nearly your chore by sharing what makes you lot a beneficial role of the company, and set doable goals to meliorate your performance, if necessary. After your performance review, check in with your supervisor regularly to show them your progress. For more tips on moving forrard afterwards a critical or positive review, read on!

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